The Disintegration of Building Stones in Egypt

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Sliglit corrosion end pitting.
45 Zawiet Nasra * . .
0-30 0-24 ) Sodiiuii nitrate.
Slight corrosion and pitting.
47 Batu-el-BaiLara f 0-39 24 Sodium carbonate.
Very marked disintegration.
Experiment Xo. 2. — During a period of tln-ee months another and similar exjjeriment was made.
In those cases in which distilled \\^ater only A\'as used the stones were dense and not very porous, and at the cud of three months the water had not been able to mount to the to]j of the cube.
At the level that tne
...■vNater reached, ^\'hich was about half-way up, there ^vas a slight efflorescence, but not the slightest sign of corrosion.
AVhere sodium sulphate was used tlie stone also A\'as not \^x\ porous and a dense growth of crystals formed about half-way up the sides where the water had penetrated. After washing off the efflorescence no signs of disintegration were visible.
In one case calcium sulphate was used with a fairly porous stone.
In this instance there was a slight efflorescence at the top of the cube and a very slight disintegration at the top corners.

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The Disintegration of Building Stones in Egypt
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