The Drawing of the Three

Cover The Drawing of the Three
The book The Drawing of the Three was written by author Here you can read free online of The Drawing of the Three book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is The Drawing of the Three a good or bad book?
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What he remembered was only a series of images, moments, conversation without context; images flashing past like one-eyed jacks and treys and nines and the Bloody Black Bitch Queen of Spiders in a card-sharp’s rapid shuffle.
    Later on he asked Eddie how long that time lasted, but Eddie didn’t know either. Time had been destroyed for both of them. There was no time in hell, and each of them was in his own private hell: Roland the hell of the fever and infection, Eddie the hell of withdrawal.
...   “It was less than a week,” Eddie said. “That’s all I know for sure.”
    “How do you know that?”
    “A week’s worth of pills was all I had to give you. After that, you were gonna have to do the one thing or the other on your own.”
    “Get well or die.”
    shuffle There’s a gunshot as twilight draws down to dark, a dry crack impinging on the inevitable and ineluctable sound of the breakers dying on the desolate beach: KA-BLAM!

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The Drawing of the Three
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shoumake21 5 years ago

this book starts out pretty slow but once you get through the first part of the book It really gets going. I really enjoyed it.

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