The Gentle Shepherd

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What reading level is The Gentle Shepherd book?
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He's seeing a' that's done In ilka place, beneath or yont the moon.
Els. These second sighted fowk, his peace be here !
See things far aff, and things to come, as clear 42 THE GENTLE SHEPHERD.
As I can see my thumb. — Wow, can he tell (Speer at him, soon as he comes to himsell) How soon we'll see Sir William? Whisht, he heaves, And speaks out broken words like ane that raves.
Sym. He'll soon grow better ; — Elspa, haste ye, gae, And fill him up a tass of Usquebae.
Sir William starts up, and spe
A Knight that for a Lyon fought, Against a herd of bears, Was to lang toil and trouble brought, In which some thousands shares.
But now again the Lyon rares, And joy spreads o'er the plain: The Lyon has defeat the bears, The Knight returns again.
That Knight, in a few days, shall bring A Shepherd frae the fauld, And shall present him to his King, A subject true and bauld.
He Mr. Patrick shall be call'd : All you that hear me now, May well believe what I have tald ; For it shall happen true.

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