The Great Tribulation: Or, the Things Coming On the Earth

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The Great Tribulation: Or, the Things Coming On the Earth
John Cumming
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body. Again, that it is the very same bodies that are to rise is plain from the word " resurrection." It comes from " resurgo," to rise again. If the bodies of all be- lievers are not all raised, but new bodies are created, then the language is misapplied : it would not be a resur- rection ; it would be a new creation. The apostle calls it in the first epistle to the Corinthians a " mystery.'* It would be no mystery at all to give us new bodies; but it is a mystery that our dead dust should bec
...ome quickened with new life, and that that dust should be reconstructed in more than its pristine beauty and glory, and made a resplendent dwelling-place for the redeemed and re- generated soul.
But it is objected, that science leads us to a contrary conclusion ; that we have no experience of the thing, and that we have no reason to anticipate such a result.
It seems really the reverse ; the ripest science leads to the conclusion that the resurrection is possible. I am about to give an illustrative analogy, not an evidence of the resurrection.

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The Great Tribulation: Or, the Things Coming On the Earth
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