The Hemiptera of Suffolk

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— Mildenhall (Gambs. Mus.).- — Abundant, from Kentford to Lowestoft.
9. Pastinaceae, Fall. Southwold and Tuddenham Fen (Elliott). — Lowestoft (Butler). — Claydon, on Angelica; Saxham, on Chaero- phylluni ; Lavenham, etc. ; abundant, on Angelica sylveslris, at Freston.
10. Cervinus, H. S. Tostock (Tuck). — Found rarely on firs at Foxhall and in the Bramford Marshes, in 1904.
11. Kalmii, Linn. Gommon from Brandon to Bramford, and Oulton to Lavenham.
I. Pinastri, Fall. Lowestoft, Gorton,
...Fritton and Somerleyton (Butler). — Bramford, on Melilolus officinalis ; in the Waveney Marshes at Beccles ; on pine trees at Barnby Broad and in Bentley Woods.
1. Gyllenhalii, Fall. Not very common ; Bentley and Stanstead Woods, on Scabiosa ; it strongly resembles a Bruchus in the sweep- net.
2. Nigritus, Fall. Two examples swept in Gutler's Wood, Freston, 22-7-04.
3. Unifasciatus, Fab. Tuddenham Fen, not uncommon, at the end of August, on Spiraea ulniaria flowers (Elliott).

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