The History of the War, Between the United States And Great-Britain, Which ...

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The History of the War, Between the United States And Great-Britain, Which ...
Russell, John, 1844-1894
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The enemy were first attacked by the Pat* riots from the Florida shore, near Camp Pmckney, wl>ea the barges immediately tacked about to retreat, but Q^r iiien being in ambush on this shore gave them a secoikl re- ception, and thus the fire Wa^ kept up from both shores un- til they got into a greater ex^^nt of river than our nflemea coukl reach. The enemy lost 160 killed and wounded^— We had one man severely wounded through the body, and several received balU through tij/eir clothes, but no furt...her injury* WILLIAM SC0T1\ S(filing master John Hurlburd to Com* Campbell.
Gun Boat, No. 168, Cumberland Sound, March 18, 1815.
[£:f/rac/.] SIR — Proceeding with the despatch which you did me the honor to entrust to my care, I saded from Tybee bar, at 1, P. M. on the 16th yist. wmd N. E. steer- ing south ; at half past a dasc^ied a sail in the S. E. quar- ter, which we soon found to be a ship standing N. N- W.
About 40 minutes after she fired a gun and hoisted her co- lors, the shot passing over our fore gaff; our colors were lioisted, continued our course for a few minutes, when nnother gun was fired ; the shot passed abaft ihe.maia rigging over the lee quarter.

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The History of the War, Between the United States And Great-Britain, Which ...
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