The Holiday Triplets (2010)

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Samantha wondered as the young woman and her friend lowered the triplets into strollers. She’d intended to help, not harm.
As she walked toward the new mom, she sorted rapidly through her concerns. For one thing, these newborns shouldn’t be out in public, exposed to the gathering crowd of press and passersby. For another, what on earth did Candy hope to accomplish by attacking Sam and the counseling center?
Still, this was hardly the moment for reproaches. Clearly, Candy had suffered a blow.
... tried to ignore the riveted members of the press. “Why did Jon leave?” she asked. If this was simply a clash of temperaments, it might blow over.
Candy stuck her chin out. “What do you think? He’s, like, twenty-one. You can’t expect him to take on this much responsibility.”
“Why don’t we take this inside where we can talk privately?” Mark said. Sam could have hugged him.
“Why should I?” Candy replied. “I have nothing to hide.” She turned one of the strollers to give a photographer a clearer shot of the baby.

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