The Iowa Journal of History And Politics, volume 15

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The Iowa Journal of History And Politics, volume 15
State Historical Society of Iowa
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Indeed, any comment by the executive upon bills that were passed seemed to incur the displeasure of the members of the legislature to a greater extent than did the direct use of the veto. This is shown by the fact that on January 15, 1839, the House of Eepresentatives, after a long preamble stating that the Governor had been writing ** notes and explanations on sundry laws^', resolved that Robert Lucas is ** unfit to be the ruler of a free people**, and that a select committee be appointed to p...repare and report a memorial to the President of the United States, asking for his immediate removal.^ Such a memorial was actually written and presented to President Van Bureri, but did not produce the desired effect.
Another question upon which the Governor and the legis-.
lature took issue was that of governmental expenditures; Governor Lucas in his message to the Assembly on Novem- ber 12, 1838, recommended strict economy and a careful dist tribution of funds so as not to exceed the appropriation made by Congress.'^ This advice, however, was disregard- ed.

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