The Life of Schleiermacher As Unfolded in His Autobiography And Letters 1

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The Life of Schleiermacher As Unfolded in His Autobiography And Letters 1
Schleiermacher, Friedrich, 1768-1834
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On my return from Landsberg we drew nearer to each other ; ebortly afterwards he was removed to Stettin, but each visit that he has paid to this place since then has rendered our intimacy more frank and hearty. In this excellent man I 230 LIFE OF SCHLEIERMACHEE.
find everything that I miss in Schlegel, and he exactly suits those points in me on which I differ from Schlegel. It is a pity that he is such a lazy letter- writer; we have never yet entered into a correspondence. However, this has not
... im- paired our friendship; for when we meet we feel at once at home with each other.
You have not for a long time spoken of my living friends in the congregation, and more especially of Albertini.
I have already been planning that on my return from Silesia I would take the route through Lusatia and visit again all the dear old places there. Here I am again on the topic of the journey, and yet I had determined that I would not say another word about it. You paint it and all its accom- paniments in such beautiftd colours, and I add to their brightness in imagination.

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The Life of Schleiermacher As Unfolded in His Autobiography And Letters 1
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