The Martyr of Allahabad Memorials of Ensign Arthur Marcus Hill Cheek of the Si

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The Martyr of Allahabad Memorials of Ensign Arthur Marcus Hill Cheek of the Si
R Robert Meek
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So soon taken from a world of sin and misery to a state of happiness in glory, and enjoying the presence of the Saviour, whom he boldly confessed before men. Do you not feel this, my brother and sister? Can you wish the beloved one back again? Does it not call for great thankfulness that he was permitted to show his faith in Jesus, while his comrades were killed on the instant ? Think not of the sufferings the dear departed went through the few days he was in the rebels' hands ; think of the ma...nner in which he has glorified his God and Saviour, and of the happiness he is now enjoying, purchased through the blood of Christ, to whom be all the glory ! " A better idea will be formed of the amount of suffer- ing endured by our young hero, of the strength of faith he displayed, and of the sustaining grace of God which supported him, from the following statement of the medical gentleman who attended him in his last hours. The letter is addressed to Dr. Cheek, of Benares : HIS DEATH. 35 " Allahabad, June 30.

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