The Mckendrean : Being the Year book of Mckendree College Yr.1947

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An honor student, she was one of four McKen- dreans selected for a national "Who's Who" of American college students; she served as president of McKendree's honorary English fraternity; she played one of the leading roles in the play "Blithe Spirit." No recital or musical program could be considered complete without featuring Miss Michels as a pianist or vocalist or as both.
The colorful May Day festivities were held on McKendree's naturally beautiful north campus. Miss Dorothy Lee Faulkner of
...Granite City, also a pretty and popular co-ed, served as the queen's maid-of-honor.
SENIOR CHAPEL PROGRAM (May 23. 1947) Organ Prelude Miriam Michels Invocation Richard Howe Hymn Scripture.. Frances Shaffer Piano Duet.... Glotfelty - Faulkner Class H istory Joanne Bare Vocal Solo Allen Sager Class Will.— Bernard Logan Piano Solo .....Betty Ford Class Prophecy Louise Krumeich Trio Presentation of Gavel... .James Oppitz Response Lou is Wa Iker Presentation of Gift Paul Salmon Hymn Alma Mater Postlude Miriam Michels TREE DEDICATION Chairman Leslie Purdy Invocation Joanne Bare Music Octette Remarks Dr.

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The Mckendrean : Being the Year book of Mckendree College Yr.1947
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