The Night of the Triffids

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@page { margin-bottom: 5.000000pt; margin-top: 5.000000pt; } CHAPTER TWENTY SEVEN      THE RETURN          THE return journey to the Foresters' camp was made in an atmosphere of grim expectation. What we found was even grimmer.
    Torrence's invasion forces had gone. Even now they were probably steaming north for New York. A shambles - a macabre shambles met our gaze. The elephantine vehicles grunted their way into the camp through gaps in the fence. Naturally triffids had filled the vacuum. Th
...ey were busy feasting on the fallen soldiers of both sides. Littering the river banks were the remains of the landing craft that had been destroyed by the Foresters' artillery. While a little upstream, partly submerged, our flying boats had been hacked to pieces by the invaders before they left. Clearly they had wished to make life difficult for us on our return. Similarly, food and fuel stores had either been looted or spoilt. Buildings had been reduced to sooty smudge marks on the earth.

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The Night of the Triffids
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