The Old School .. 1

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C. *' Nor could I, my dear love, did I not look beyond a few years, when I always trust and hope that those who have suffered the heaviest privations here, will, under patience and virtue, be most amply re- warded hereafter. When I have seen a poor, aged, decrepit female, tottering under weakness and disease, creeping from her solitary hut, to gather up a few sticks to boil her kettle, pinched by the want of comfortable nourishment and cloathing, and have then turned my thoughts MRS. COOPER. . ...87 thoughts to a young gay female, in a splendid assembly, attired in the most expensive garments, panting with heat, and feasting upon expensive dainties — it has crossed my mind, Are these fellow- beings, endued by their Maker with the same sense of pain and pleasure, of want and comfort; with a similar immortal soul ; with the same expectations of futurity? And again I have thought, If my lot must be either of these, that of the poor and destitute being was certainly the safest." Sophia. '* But, dear aunt, why do not the rich always help the poor and dis- tressed, as papa and mamma do ?" Mrs.

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