The Polish Peasant in Europe And America : Monograph of An Immigrant Group

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In this relation Walery, the oldest brother, as against the father and partly against Feliks, represents the old principles of familial solidarity — according to which the family should act harmoniously as a whole, and the father should pursue the interests of this whole, not his own egotistic ends — and of justice — according to which the economic problems should be settled upon a moral as against a merely legal basis.
This relation is expanded and complicated by the new marriage of the father
.... The stepmother is not an isolated individual, but the member of another family, and the ' Cf. Introduction: "Economic Attitudes." wrOblewski series 327 antagonism of interests prevents absolutely her assimila- tion to her husband's family. On the contrary, as no harmonious coexistence of the two families is possible, it is the husband, Walery's father, who loses all connection with his own family and becomes assimilated to his wife's family.
2. Purely sentimental and intellectual relation between Walery and Antoni.

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The Polish Peasant in Europe And America : Monograph of An Immigrant Group
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