The Quiet Hotel ..

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Susan. You must excuse him. He never had any bringing up. Where was your father born?
Rubber. In San Francisco.
Susan. And your mother ?
Rubber. In Boston.
Susan. Well, that accounts for it.
Rubber. For what ?
Susan. Your Chicago accent.
Rubber. Now, don't go springing jokes like that on me.
Miss C. Oh, you'll hear jokes a good deal worse than that when you get on the stage. So you both want to act, do you?
Susan. I'm crazy about it.
Rubber {strutting around). Just try me, dat's all. I'm willin
...' to play any thin' from Hamlet to pinochle.
Miss C. {thoughtfully). Well, I have been thinking lately of forming a little vaudeville company.
Susan {edging up close to her, ecstatically). Yes, yes — go on.
10 THE QUIET HOTEL Rubber {edging up on the other side). Uh-huh ! Go on, gal, I'm a-listenin'.
Miss C. And you're sure you'd like acting?
Susan. ) , r Rubber. } Yes ' »» {Slight pause. Miss C. sloiuly walks r. The others stand l.) MissC. (suddenly). Ah, ha 1 There he stands — {point- ing to Rubber) the man who murdered my father Rubber {scared).

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