The Story of Rosina, And Other Verses

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"Ah, the poor child ! " the neighbours cry of her, " Morte, Al'sieu, morte 1 On dit, — des peines du coeur ! " Just for a second, say, the tidings shocked him, Say, in his eye a sudden tear-drop shone, — Just for a second a dull feeling mocked him With a vague sense of something priceless gone ; * c KFi,ifapoor c/wfcf r The Story of Rosina 15 Then, — for at best 'twas but the empty type, The husk of man with which the days were ripe, — Then, he forgot her. But, for you that slew her, You, her o
...wn sister, that with airy ease, Just for a moment's fancy could undo her, Pass on your way. A little while, Marquise, Be the sky silent, be the sea serene ; A pleasant passage — a Sainte Guillotine !
As for Rosina, — for the quiet sleeper, Whether stone hides her, or the happy grass, If the sun quickens, if the dews beweep her, Laid in the Madeleine or Montparnasse, Nothing we know, — but that her heart is cold, Poor beating heart ! And so the story's told.
UNE MARQUISE ///M\ \ , iiti C/fivd-i, cls Dees A RHYMED MONOLOGUE IN THE LOUVRE " Belle Marquise, vos beaux yeax me fo?it mourir d 1 amour.

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