The Table Book..

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The Table Book..
William Hone
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« E. Bruce." The combat was fierce, and fatal to lord Bruce. The survivor, sir Edward Sack yille, describes it in a letter, which will be inserted at a future time. For the present purpose it is merely requisite to state, that lord Stowell, in a communication to the earl of Aberdeen, president of the Society of Antiquarians, dated February 15, 1822, seems to have determined the spot whereon the duel was fought, and the place of lord Bruce's interment. From that communica- tion, containing an ac
...count of the discovery of his heart, with representations of the case wherein it was enclosed, the following detail is derived, together with the engravings.
It has always been presumed that the duel was fought under the walls of Ant- werp ; but the combatants disembarked at Bergen-op-Zoom, and fought near that town, and not Antwerp. The circumstances are still well remembered at Bergen, while at Antwerp there is not a trace of them.
A small piece of land, a mile and a half from the Antwerp gate of Bergen, goes by the name of Bruce-land ; it is recorded as the spot where Bruce fell ; and, according to tradition, was purchased by the parties to fight upon.

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