The Tragedy of Richard the Second 18

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The Tragedy of Richard the Second 18
Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616
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What reading level is The Tragedy of Richard the Second 18 book?
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i. 262. water-drops. Cf . Dr. Faustua, xvi : "0 soul, be changed into little water-drops." IV. i. 271. Urge it no more. " Another touch which brings out Bolingbroke*s absence of personal rancor towards Richard. He aims at power, and is stem or clement as policy, not passion, determines." — C. H. Herford.
IV. i. 281. Was this the face. Cf. Dr. Faustua, xiv: " Was this the face that launched a thousand ships," etc.
IV. i. 292-293. The shadow . . . face. Your senti- mental show of sorrow has destr
...oyed your image in the glass. Note, first, Richard's generous appreciation of a Digitized by CjOOQIC 0OttS 135 fine phrase; and, secondly, the readiness with which he turns aside its practical application to himself.
IV. i. 313. Tlien give me leave to go. Richard throws away his last small chance to make terms for himself.
IV. i. 316. convey. For a possibly similar word play, see Edward II, I. ii. 200-201.
V. i. 1. This way the king will come. There is no his- torical authority for this interview between Richard and the Queen; they did not meet again after Richard left for Ireland.

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