The Welfare of the Dead

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The book The Welfare of the Dead was written by author Here you can read free online of The Welfare of the Dead book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is The Welfare of the Dead a good or bad book?
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There is a presentiment of daylight in the streets outside, but nothing more. Consequently, he is obliged to light the gas and read the morning paper in the glow of the pale flame. It is not five minutes, however, before there is a knock upon the door. Webb raises his head from the paper to see the face of Sergeant Bartleby.
‘Late again, Sergeant?’ asks Webb.
‘Sorry, sir.’ ‘Have you seen the papers, Sergeant?’ ‘Any good notices, sir?’ ‘Don’t be flippant, man. I read the Telegraph simply because is this sheet, and its ilk, that seem to provide the Assistant Commissioner with the solitary benchmark against which he judges our progress. You’d be wise to do the same, if you want to keep your job. Here, listen: CASINO MURDER Another cold-blooded killing of a young woman, a murder of a similar character to those recently committed in Knight’s Hotel, was perpetrated in the early hours of Saturday morning at the Holborn Casino. There is every reason to suppose that the same monster is responsible for both atrocities.

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The Welfare of the Dead
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