Wanted By Her Lost Love

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The book Wanted By Her Lost Love was written by author Here you can read free online of Wanted By Her Lost Love book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Wanted By Her Lost Love a good or bad book?
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It was a wonder she hadn’t already fallen down them. He wasn’t entirely expecting to find her home, but he’d stopped in at the diner in case she’d gone to work, only to be told by a surly man named Ralph that she wasn’t there.
It annoyed him that her door wasn’t locked. He pushed it open to find her on her hands and knees, peering under the rickety recliner. She made a sound of frustration and then pushed herself upward.
“What the hell are you doing?”
She shrieked and whirled around. “Get out!”
...He held out a placating hand. “I’m sorry I frightened you. Your door was unlocked.”
“And so you thought you’d just come on in? Did the art of knocking escape you? Get a clue, Ryan. I don’t want you here.” She went into the kitchen, opening and shutting cabinets, obviously looking for something.
He sighed. It wasn’t that he’d expected her to be any more compliant today, but he’d hoped after the initial shock, she’d be a little less…angry.
When she got back down on the floor again, a surge of irritation hit him once more.

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