
Cover Warprize
The book Warprize was written by author Here you can read free online of Warprize book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Warprize a good or bad book?
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I just took the brooch off the bloody cloth and slipped it into my hand.
    “Lara.” It was Arneath, Captain of the Palace Guard. There’d be no cozening him. “You must leave. Now.”
    “Yes, I know.” Arneath would take great pleasure in preventing my visits to the prisoners. He’d made it clear long ago that I, a Daughter of the Blood, demeaned myself by learning a craft. I turned, placing the remaining jars in my basket, using my body to shield as I slipped the brooch inside. I stood, the handle
... tight in one hand, the bundle tucked under my arm. “I’m ready.”
    Arneath stood behind me, unconvinced. I think he had been expecting an argument. I looked at Joden and spoke in his language. “I’ll return tomorrow. Do not let him try to walk or stand.” I ignored Arneath as he shifted from one foot to another, looming behind me.
    Joden’s face and tone did not change. He remained kneeling at Simus’s side.

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