
Cover Warship
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What reading level is Warship book?
To quickly assess the difficulty of the text, read a short excerpt:

Once all the internal camera feeds dropped simultaneously he began to feel the first twinges of a panic attack coming on.
He looked to the two armed Marines guarding the entrance to the CIC for some reassurance. It hadn't been easy to convince the two to go along with the plan, but Kazenski was able to bring them onboard and even got them to open up the small arms locker at one of the checkpoints.
"Sir, I can't raise Engineering," another specialist said. "In fact, I can't access anything." "It
...'s a temporary glitch," Peters said loudly. "Everyone stay at their stations and be quiet until it's sorted out." He heard one of the guards shout something unintelligible before an explosive roar just outside the hatch made them all jump and one of the Marines slumped over onto the floor, blood spreading across his fatigues.
"Drop that weapon, Marine, or I'll put you down too," he heard a familiar voice outside and nearly fainted. Before he could react he saw Jackson Wolfe and Celesta Wright stride into the CIC, the captain holding some sort of blocky sidearm with smoke curling out of the barrel.

What to read after Warship?
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User Reviews:

Guest 4 years ago

thrilling, it is very worth the reading

Guest 6 years ago

Excellent!! 10 out of 10 for me!

Guest 7 years ago

Intentionally have page off center so text is hidden. Expect you to use cc to open account. BS

Guest 6 years ago


Guest 7 years ago

Well written and exciting. It was a good hard sci-fi novel. I used the read online option, and it works fairly well, with some lines at the top and bottom of the page cut off. Changing size allows me to get a font size so I read everything.

I'm looking forward to reading more in the series. Well done!

Guest 7 years ago

Page is cropped on my cell screen so right side of paragraphs is missing words.
And.... when I go the next page, the screen often jumps back after a few moments.

So, reading online does not appear to be a realistic option on your site. If you can't get that right, I cannot trust the site for downloads.

Guest 7 years ago

Hold sideways and enlarge. On my phone works perfectly.

Guest 7 years ago

Call to arms book two of the black fleet trilogy

Guest 7 years ago

Engoy it

Guest 7 years ago

Really enjoyed it and hope for a continuation of a series!

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