When I Hurt (Vassi And Seri 2: Russian Stepbrother Romance)

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Turning to her side as she stretched, the first thing she saw was Vassi, sleeping peacefully on a wingback chair pulled next to her bed. With his eyes closed, he finally looked more his age – someone who was just one year older than she was.
    But more often than not, she thought helplessly, he felt out of her league.
    There were dark circles under his eyes, and her chest constricted when she thought of his busy schedule. He had been juggling work with school the past few days, and yet he h
...ad still made time to look after her.
    He started to stir then, and she smiled uncertainly when his eyes drifted open.
    “You’re awake.” She loved hearing the sound of his voice when it was scratchy from sleep, knowing that she was the only girl in his world who had heard it. He was infamous for never spending the night with any woman, and it had been the same even back when he was dating Shelby. The other girl had always gone back to her room after--- Vassi frowned when he noticed the unhappy look on Seri’s face.

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When I Hurt (Vassi And Seri 2: Russian Stepbrother Romance)
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