You Had Me At Christmas: a Holiday Anthology

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night. He’d taken some convincing, but she’d been adamant.
Loosening the shoulder sling, she wriggled into the red dress he’d given her, feeding her injured wrist carefully through the capped sleeve. They didn’t have time to buy the tights she still needed, but her bare legs were toned, if not tanned. Ripping the tie out of her ponytail, she bent forward to brush it, hoping to add volume.
The first pang of doubt hit. The second came when she struggled to hold her compact mirror between her strap
...ped fingers so she could apply fresh makeup under the weak interior light. “Maybe you should go alone.”
Jared glanced in the rear-view mirror, saw her problem, and pulled over. “We both go, or neither of us go.”
Climbing into the back seat, he fixed her makeup.
“I love being married to a nerdy metrosexual.”
“Yeah, we’re the best.”
As he moved to return to the driver’s seat, she said, “Wait.”
He looked at what she was dragging out of the suitcase and groaned.
“I swear I’ll take them off later, but Dimity said there’ll be TV cameras, and television adds ten pounds.”

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You Had Me At Christmas: a Holiday Anthology
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