A Bundle of Memories

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" I laugh with pride through all my red combs." 212 A Bundle of Memories And then he crows, Cocorico ! and the light falls here, there, everywhere. A star goes out, and already the green in the sky turns orange. He crows, Cocorico !
and lo, there is yellow glory about the pines. He crows, Cocorico ! and the grey becomes white. He crows with a higher and higher enthusiasm ; and still he cries to her that if only she will love him, he will turn all the soft words that she speaks to him quite low
...into glorious sunlight for the world beyond. Let her but say that she adores him, and he will turn a mountain into gold.
But still all her love is absorbed by him into the duty that he fulfils, until at last, as the blue comes on the river, and the white on the roadway, and all the cocks are crowing at once in all the far valleys, she cries " There it is, the sun, the sun ! " " Yes," he says, " I see it is there, but I must snatch him up from behind that wood," and at the final crow it rises, until they are both flooded with the glory of the light !

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