Easy On the Eyes

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The book Easy On the Eyes was written by author Here you can read free online of Easy On the Eyes book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Easy On the Eyes a good or bad book?
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They fill my room. Dozens of vases and arrangements, baskets and balloons. The scent is almost overpowering, and the profusion of colors and blooms reminds me of the arrangements that arrived after Keith died.
    I tell my day nurse Saturday afternoon to give most of the flowers to patients on the floor who don’t have any flowers in their room. The nurse goes through the cards and tells me again which arrangement is from whom. Most are from industry professionals, and after plucking the cards f
...rom the bouquets, she sees that the flowers are dispersed to those who could use some cheer.
    I wake up and discover Shey sitting in a chair next to my bed, leafing through a magazine.
    “Hey,” I say, blinking and trying to clear the cobwebs from my head.
    Shey stands, leans over me, worry etched all over her face. “How are you?”

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Easy On the Eyes
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