It Happened One Autumn

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Lillian asked the next morning, joining the other wallflowers at the farthest table on the back terrace for breakfast. “You look dreadful. Why aren’t you wearing your riding habit? I thought you were going to try out the jumping course this morning. And why did you disappear so suddenly last night? It’s not like you to simply vanish without saying—”
    “I didn’t have a choice in the matter,” Annabelle said testily, folding her fingers around the delicate bowl of a porcelain teacup. Looking pale
... and exhausted, her blue eyes ringed with dark shadows, she swallowed a mouthful of heavily sweetened tea before continuing. “It was that blasted perfume of yours—as soon as he caught one whiff of it, he went berserk.”
    Shocked, Lillian tried to take in the information, her stomach plummeting. “It… it had an effect on West-cliff, then?” she managed to ask.
    “Good Lord, not Lord Westcliff.” Annabelle rubbed her weary eyes.

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It Happened One Autumn
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User Reviews:

Guest 4 years ago

I disappointed in every single love stories .. too longg

Guest 5 years ago

"It Happened One Autumn",the second book in the "Wallflowers"-series about the cynical and cold-blooded Marcus Lord Westcliff and the headstrong spitfire american heiress Lilliana Bowman.It was clear in the first book that these two clashing personalities would get their own story,together.

And weren`t i just excited for that,Yeah!

Lisa Kleypas captured my heart yet again with this exciting,sensual,funny and romantic Love-Story.The undenyable epic chemistry between Marcus and Lilliana are remarkable,i love and adore every scene with them.They have both of their utterly attentions,passion and the blooming love that proved they could ever find true happiness with each other.

Lilliana are famous for having the talent to curse like a pirate and have a great talent for smelling scents,she are so good that she can actually detect a person’s intrinsic scent.Her love for adventures together with her younger sister Daisy was adorable.She are a independent and a very stubborn heroine who hates Marcus at the start with a passion that she wishes with smugness that one day a woman will be able to bring him to her knees,...but what she doesn`t know is that she is the woman.

Marcus-how i LOVE the man.I remember how i really liked him in "Again the Magic",if it weren`t for him,his sister Aline (heroine in "Again the Magic") would never had the courage to give in to her hero McKenna.I remember his upbringing his father put him through,but in this story i got to see how much he really had suffered in his fathers hands and i cried for him when his sister Livia told Lilliana about his miserable childhood.It is so clear that he is facsinated against his will to the wildness of Lilliana and how he deeply fell fast for her.I love the romantic steamy scenes with them so much,as always Lisa Kleypas are a pro at writing steamy sex-scenes..WOW!

We get to meet all the other wallflowers again and i was yet again happy for Simon and Annabelle,the scene where Simon smells the perfume on Annabelle and drags her away from the party to ravish her all night was so freaking hilarious,haha!
We get to see appearances of Livia and Gideon (they are the second-couple in "Again the Magic") and i was so happy for them,and the merest mention of Aline and McKenna made me so HAPPY!

And least of all...i got to meet the ONE man i so desperately started this series for,the exotic beauty of a sinful Devil,Sebastian St. Vincent..!OH MY GOD what a sexy man!!!And the ending with his and Evies scene was so EPIC!!!Now i have got to read their love-story in..."Devil in Winter".

issa.kayla 6 years ago


issa.kayla 6 years ago

gods plan

issa.kayla 6 years ago

bad things theres a lot of bad things that they wishen and wishen on me

Guest 6 years ago

The heroine/hero in this book were shallow and selfish. I could not like either one. Another pet peeve, this author seems to throw in everything and sometimes the kitchen sink and it jars the reader right out of the plot. Silly, page filling nonsense thrown in. Not good.

Guest 6 years ago


Guest 6 years ago

it is a captivating book, I was not disappointed at all

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