Mint Juleps And Justice

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The book Mint Juleps And Justice was written by author Here you can read free online of Mint Juleps And Justice book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Mint Juleps And Justice a good or bad book?
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She’d asked Rick to stop at a convenience store so she could grab a local paper while they were in Virginia Beach. She missed the big, thick, newsy paper. The paper in Adams Grove was only four to six pages long and most of that was news that was already two weeks old.
    Once she’d e-mailed Jenny the updated project plan and reordered the remaining tasks, she settled on the sofa with a glass of iced tea and the newspaper. Stitches jumped up on the couch and nestled with Brooke as she read unde
...r the light of the lamp.
    She poured through her favorite sections. The “Beacon” was the little section of the paper that came out only a couple times a week, but she always recognized a few people that she’d connected with over the years. It made her a little homesick, but she was starting to prefer Adams Grove. It was becoming more like home every day.
    Saving the news for last, she opened the front page and the headline caught her eye.

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