Spider Dance

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She was bareheaded, sunburnt almost to the color of a Mexican, and with her hair hanging in rich profusion over her graceful shoulders. Her dress was of the simplest make and of the coarsest material, a common frock. . . .—CHARLES WARWICK, AN ACTOR VISITING GRASS VALLEY Lola, Lotta, I was becoming ardently sorry I had ever heard of either hussy.
As soon as Irene had written her notes and tended them to a hotel messenger boy to deliver, along with enough funds to buy an imperial elephant’s howdah
..., we hied again to Brentano’s Literary Emporium, fountain of all things theatrical.
Biographies of Lotta Crabtree were a dime a dozen, and appeared to read like dime novels. Again we left laden with parcels of books, along with the script of La Lotta’s latest play.
The young male clerk, emboldened by a second visit, now displayed an absurd partiality to me.
“Alas,” Irene mock-complained on our exit, “I am wholly a matron now, a married woman, which must somehow show, for it’s you who are collecting all the tender young swains.

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