The Prelude to Bolshevism the Kornilov Rising

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I call upon all the ranks of the army and navy to carry on with calmness and self- abnegation their duty of defend- ing the country against the ex- ternal enemy.
A. F. Keren SKY, Prime-Minister, Minister of War and of Marine. The 2/th day of August 1917.
THE PRELUDE TO BOLSHEVISM 183 §24 Chairman. — Were no objections raised against sending off that telegram of August 27th?
Kerensky. — Objections were made. It was urged that the affair would perhaps end in a compromise. That was said by those w
...ho held the point of view which was most clearly expressed afterwards by Miliukov, who called upon me to offer his mediation, declaring that I ought to understand that the real strength lay on the side of Kornilov.
Until it became finally clear that my predictions were correct, and that Kornilov found himself in a complete " vacuum, " there remained up to the last moment a large number of adherents to a policy of compromise, or, to speak more correctly, of surrendering the positions to Kornilov.

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The Prelude to Bolshevism the Kornilov Rising
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