The Settlement of the Waggoners' Accounts Relating to General Braddock's Expedition Towards Fort Du Quesne

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1S2 2 £134 4 Cr.
By 11 horses lost 110 By hire of ditto 24 4 134 4 Peter Lemon, Dr.
To cash pd by Mr. F. .
To ditto pd by Mr. Seott To 3 horses driver ran off' with Bal. due . - . . .
By 6 horses ....
By hire of ditto By driver's hire 20 days at 20d.
4 4 15 17 5 31 10 4 53 14 4 31 7 20 14 1 13 4 53 14 4 Rudolf Little Peter, Dk To cash pd by Mr, F. . . .550 To do pd by Mr. McCloud . , . 15 Bal 73 79 Cr.
By waggon and team . . . . 38 10 By hire of ditto 37 10 By expenses 3 79 66 The Euro Papb
George Michael Stover, Dr.
To cash pd by Mr. Franklin . .550* To a horse returned . . . .900 Bal. doe 68 15 £83 Ce.
By waggon aad team . . . . 40 By hire of ditto . , , . . 40 By expenses (York) , . . .800 88 Christopher Diblinhbibr, Dr.
To cash pd by Mr. F 5 6 To ditto pd by Mr. Scott . . .12 6 Balance 56 10 Or.
By waggon and team lost By hire of ditto By expenses, York Adam Ceaimbr, Dr.
To cash pd by Mr. F, . . .
Bal. due to A. 0.
T© a horse returned To hire of a horse Bal. due to A. Craimer 62 17 6 30 10 29 7 3 6 62 17 6 4 4 63 15 8 67 19 8 5 4 18 53 17 8 63 15 8 The WAaaoNBKs' Accounts.

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The Settlement of the Waggoners' Accounts Relating to General Braddock's Ex...
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